In 2014, Watford Colosseum underwent a whimsical transformation into an interactive musical playground with LISTEN! The venue was filled with the sounds of hand-cranked Music Machines, Sonic Tubes, and Sonic Hairdryers. Attendees encountered hidden performers in lifts, stairwells, and the ticket box, while table-side performances, ordered from a menu, added a unique flavour to the experience, turning the entire front-of-house into a delightful sonic adventure.
Key works include:
- Dripolator: Converts traffic and environmental sounds into a musical drone.
- Drum Machine: A hand-cranked junk’n’found player.
- Leslie: A spinning horn voice thrower.
- Soundwalk: An amplified foley-floor with varying surfaces.
- Reel to Reel: Vintage tape machines with an open mic for tape delay.
- Sonic Hair Dryers: Eavesdrop microphones mixed into modified dome hair-dryers.
All elements, machines, installations, and performances are carefully designed to create an integrated soundscape.
LISTEN! is available for your venue or event. I’m excited to explore bringing the project to new spaces and experiences. Please contact me for more information and technical specifications.
does this work???
Just found this – yes I think it does?